Importance of Membership
The Bible teaches that membership in a local church is one of the most basic ways that Christians follow Jesus. In fact, it is so basic that the authors of the New Testament simply assume that every Christian will be part of a local church. The reason for this is simple. The local church is at the heart of God’s plan to save sinners through the gospel of his son, Jesus Christ. The depth of relationships envisioned in the Bible for God's people presuppose a high level of commitment, vulnerability and trust. This is one reason why we take membership in the local church so seriously.
The church is called "the body of Christ" in the Bible for a reason: we are to be vitally and consciously committed to one another as brothers and sisters in Jesus, promising to share in one another's joys, to bear each others' burdens and sorrows, and to share life together as we seek to grow to maturity in Christ. Our prayer is that membership at Joy Community Fellowship of Williamstown would display to those around us what God’s love looks like. We would love for you to join us.
Steps to Membership
Profession of Faith
Membership in the church belongs properly to those who have made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ and, in obedience to Jesus, have been baptized.
Membership Class
Make an informed decision. Understand our statement of faith, our membership covenant, and understand what membership in a local church involves.
Membership Interview
Meet with an elder to discuss how you became a Christian and sign the statement of faith and membership covenant. The elders will then review the prospective member's application.
Elder Recommendation
Upon review of the prospective member's application and interview, the elders will collectively determine to make a recommendation to the church body of existing members.
Congregational Affirmation
Pertinent details of the prospective member will be conveyed to existing church members, and the candidate will be admitted upon majority affirmation by the members.